Unix Commands/FAQ
Find og grep
Kill process
Forced mount a hibernated Windows partition
Linux command to check disk space
Installation af Mint Linux
Slå bouncing cursor fra
Fetch info in GCStar
Run a *.java-file in a shell
Install javacc
Forced desktop view (java)
Find & grep
carbofish ~ # find / -name *java* |less
find / -name *java* |grep .odt
find = in all dir's
-name = string
* = (wildcard)
? = (wildcard of one sign)
| = (a pipe) sends output of one side to another devided of |
grep = a file as input and display all lines with the written
less = displays a file as input and display it as screen to scroll onto (evolution of more)
Kill process [name]
pkill -9 tellico
Forced mount a hibernated Windows partition
mount -r -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt
-r = -ro = read only
-t = type
ntfs = windows filtype, fat32 (windows 95 or usb)
/dev/sda2 = path: device disk
/mnt = destination folder (must be an empty folder)
Rename (= move to nothing) & remove
mv oldname.type newname.type (move/rename)
rm name.type (remove)
Run a *.java-file in a shell
Linux command to check disk space
df command - Shows the amount of disk space used and available on Linux file systems.
du command - Display the amount of disk space used by the specified files and for each subdirectory.
btrfs fi df /device/ - Show disk space usage information for a btrfs based mount point/file system.
Install javacc
carbofish Documents # java -version
java version "1.7.0_121"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.8) (7u121-2.6.8-1ubuntu0.14.04.3)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.121-b00, mixed mode)
carbofish Documents # javac -version
The program 'javac' can be found in the following packages:
* default-jdk
* ecj
* gcj-4.8-jdk
* openjdk-7-jdk
* gcj-4.6-jdk
* openjdk-6-jdk
Try: apt-get install
Solution that worked:
apt-get install ecj
Installation af Mint Linux:
Download Mint kde 18.3 Sylvia
Lav en bootdisk ud af iso-filen
Tryk Enter hurtigt efter visning af Thinkpad
Tryk F12
Find disken � USD HDD fx
Tryk start og find Installer-programmet
Sæt flueben ved Install third-party software for graphics and WiFi�
Partitions: Vælg manual, hvis flere HDD
- Root partition � C-drev min. 20 GB
- Swap partition til ekstra ram min. 1GB eller lige å meget som RAM eller halvdelen
Filsystem. Ext4 journaling file system (FAT kan bruges til usb penne eller digital cams)
Mount point: / (hvis root partition)
Bouncing cursor
Slå bouncing cursor fra under Personalization: Applications: Launch Feedback
Lefthanded mouse under Hardware: Input Devices
Imdb fetching i GCstar
In the file:
Change line 239
"if ($self->{inside}->{h1} && $origtext !~ m/IMDb\s*Title\s*Search/i)"
if ($self->{inside}->{title} && $origtext !~ m/Find\s-\sIMDb/i) "
Recover of GCFilmAffinityEN.pm:
It doesn't work anymore - and the file is corrected in the new versions of GCstar. I use Tellico now and have studied their code.
Can't figured to merge these two codes but if anybody else can, the Tellico code can be found at
Forced desktop view:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (viewMode == "mobile"){
viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no');